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a webapp designed for the partioning of multi-population geochemical datasets

Developed by

Francisco Ferreira de Campos
(Geological Survey of Brazil)
francisco.campos@cprm.gov.br Lattes
and Otavio Augusto Boni Licht
(PPGG - Federal University of Paraná)
otavio.licht@gmail.com Lattes
and Nivaldo Benedito Ferreira Campos
(Federal University of Bahia)
campos.nivaldo@ufba.br Lattes

When using this application, please cite as:
FERREIRA DE CAMPOS, F. F. de Campos; O. A. B Licht; N. B. F. CAMPOS. PPlot, a webapp to partition geochemical data and isolate mixed subpopulations using probability plot modeling, Geochimica Brasiliensis (2023), https://doi.org/10.21715/GB2358-2812.202337002